The One Year Home and Garden Devotional
Books | |
作者 | Sandra Byrd |
語言 | 英文 |
出版商 | Tyndale Momentum |
第一版 | 1 Oct, 2015 |
頁數 | 400 |
書籍系列 | Devotional |
條碼 | 9781414391861 |
國際標準圖書編號 (ISBN) | 9781414391861 |
備註 | *以上定價僅供參考,確實售價以書室及批發報價為準。 |
The One Year Home and Garden Devotions offers an encouraging, applicable, sometimes humorous, and always personal word each day for contemporary women of all ages who delight in being busy at home. The devotions are written in first person, offering transparency and personal life lessons like the following:
“There is something poignant and meaningful about upcycling an abandoned planter with its well-earned patina while considering how the lines life has etched on us actually make us more appealing.”
“There is something poignant and meaningful about upcycling an abandoned planter with its well-earned patina while considering how the lines life has etched on us actually make us more appealing.”