Walking Backwards to Christmas
Books | |
作者 | Stephen Cottrell |
語言 | 英文 |
出版商 | Westminster John Knox Press |
第一版 | Sept 18, 2015 |
頁數 | 130 |
書籍系列 | Christian Living, Devotionals |
條碼 | 9780664261863 |
國際標準圖書編號 (ISBN) | 9780664261863 |
備註 | *以上定價僅供參考,確實售價以書室及批發報價為準。 |
Congregations are often confused or uninspired by the emphasis on Old Testament themes during Advent and too \"over\" Christmas by December 26 to pay much attention to the Gospel stories that follow Jesus\' birth. Walking Backwards to Christmas starts at the end of the story, with Jesus\' presentation to Anna and Simeon at the temple, and moves backwards through Herod\'s slaughter of the innocents, the wise men\'s visit, Jesus\' birth in a stable, Mary\'s pregnancy, and finally to the much-earlier hopes and dreams of Isaiah and Moses.