The Dad Book
Books | |
作者 | Jay Payleitner |
語言 | 英文 |
出版商 | Harvest House Publishers |
第一版 | Apr 1, 2015 |
頁數 | 176 |
書籍系列 | Christian Living, Spirituality |
條碼 | 9780736963589 |
國際標準圖書編號 (ISBN) | 9780736963589 |
備註 | *以上定價僅供參考,確實售價以書室及批發報價為準。 |
Bestselling author Jay Payleitner has packed this handy volume full of quick, inspiring help: fresh suggestions for engaging your kids dad-to-dad humor ways to show your kids instead of tell them encouragement and ideas to help your kids connect with God Great confidence-booster for dads of any age and stage!