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The Allure of Gentleness

The Allure of Gentleness
The Allure of Gentleness


作者 Dallas Willard
語言 英文
出版商 HarperOne
第一版 Feb 10, 2015
頁數 208
書籍系列 Spiritual Growth, Apologetics, Theology
條碼 9780062114082
國際標準圖書編號 (ISBN) 9780062114082
備註 *以上定價僅供參考,確實售價以書室及批發報價為準。
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  • Model: 9780062114082
產品瀏覽次數: 8097

The revered Christian author whose bestselling classics include The Divine Conspiracy and The Spirit of the Disciplines provides a new model for how we can present the Christian faith to others.

When Christians share their faith, they often appeal to reason, logic, and the truth of doctrine. But these tactics often are not effective. A better approach to spread Christ’s word, Dallas Willard suggests, is to use the example of our own lives. To demonstrate Jesus’s message, we must be transformed people living out a life reflective of Jesus himself, a life of love, humility, and gentleness.


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