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The Problem of Pain

The Problem of Pain
The Problem of Pain


作者 C S Lewis
語言 英文
第一版 28 Apr, 2015
頁數 176
書籍系列 Death & Grief, Ethics, Apologetics
條碼 9780060652968
國際標準圖書編號 (ISBN) 9780060652968
備註 *以上定價僅供參考,確實售價以書室及批發報價為準。
  • Stock: 沒有存貨
  • Model: 9780060652968
產品瀏覽次數: 8204
In The Problem of Pain, C.S. Lewis, one of the most renowned Christian authors and thinkers, examines a universally applicable question within the human condition: “If God is good and all-powerful, why does he allow his creatures to suffer pain?” With his signature wealth of compassion and insight, C.S. Lewis offers answers to these crucial questions and shares his hope and wisdom to help heal a world hungering for a true understanding of human nature.


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