" 這是一本我會保留的書,期待有一天能夠讀給我的孫子孫女們聽。"
提姆·查利斯(TIM CHALLIES),作家和博客主
"I will hang onto this book in the hope that I can some day read it to my grandchildren."
TIM CHALLIES, author and blogger
喬納森·李曼(JONATHAN LEEMAN),作家和四個孩子的父親
"Why didn't someone write this book decades ago? A gentle and delightful introduction to a crucial topic."
JONATHAN LEEMAN, author and father of four
克里斯蒂·安妮·阿布瓦爾(KRISTIE ANY ABWILE),牧師的妻子、母親、聖經教師、作家
"God made Trillia write this book, and that was a very good idea!
Young and old alike should read this story often."
KRISTIE ANY ABWILE, pastor's wife, mom, Bible teacher, writer
路得·周·西蒙斯(RUTH CHOU SIMONS),藝術家、GraceLaced作者,gracelaced.com創始人
"As a mom of six young bi-racial sons, I'm so very grateful for Trillia's beautiful and joy-filled account of God's design and purpose in creating us all uniquely."
RUTH CHOU SIMONS, artist and author of GraceLaced, founder of gracelaced.com
布萊爾·林尼(BLAIR LINNE),口語藝術家
"God-centered, clear, and helpful. I highly recommend this book."
BLAIR LINNE, spoken-word artist
亞倫(AARON)和傑米·艾(JAMIE IVEY),音樂家,以及The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey播客節目的主持人
"This book is a treasure and a joy for our family."
AARON AND JAMIE IVEY, musician, and host of The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey podcast
南希·古瑟里(NANCY GUTHRIE),聖經教師和作家
"Touching and beautiful, this will engage kids and their parents too!"
NANCY GUTHRIE, Bible teacher and author
錢普·索頓(CHAMP THORNTON),《回到信仰的根基——寫給兒童》的作者
"Compelling and captivating."
CHAMP THORNTON, author of The Radical Book for Kids
格洛麗亞·弗爾曼(GLORIA FURMAN),《使命型母親》和《活在祂裡面》的作者
"What a great resource to share with the next generation."
GLORIA FURMAN, author of Missional Motherhood and Alive in Him
梅利莎·克魯格(MELISSA KRUGER),《與神同行的母親》一書的作者。
"A delight. Cuddle up with a little one and share the news of God's very good idea."
MELISSA KRUGER, author of Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood