喬恩·杰梅爾(Jon Gemmell),可信宣道博客(The Proclamation Trust Blog),2017年7月
"Beautiful, simple and wonderful. Children are helped to see who Jesus really is."
JON GEMMELL, The Proclamation Trust Blog, July 2017
簡·沃特金斯(Jane Watkins),培養年輕門徒(Growing Young Disciples)機構輔導主任
"This book is a must for children, parents, grandparents, godparents and Sunday school teachers. And if you're none of these, then still buy it! I love it."
JANE WATKINS, Growing Young Disciples
埃德·德魯(Ed Drew),孩子的信仰(Faith in Kids)機構主任
"It was no surprise to find "The Storm that Stopped" gripped my children. The narrative and the illustrations combine to help my children feel the disciples' wildly changing emotions through the story. We felt the storm! My children love the visual scales measuring the impact of the storm. I love the final pages which excellently and simply help us understand that this story has a clear purpose in showing us who Jesus Christ is. Thank you!"
ED DREW, Director, Faith in Kids
耶穌結束了對人群的教導,現在他有些事要教導他的朋友,但他們還不知道...。艾莉森·米切爾(Alison Mitchell)巧妙地重新講述馬可福音記載耶穌平息風暴的故事,將讀者的注意力集中在耶穌教導自己的門徒身上—他做了只有神才能做到的事。《平息風暴》是每個孩子必讀書單中的絕佳選擇。
桑迪加利亞(Sandy Galea),《Rooty Hill Anglican, Sydney》MBM兒童事工主任
"Jesus had finished teaching the crowd, and now he had something to teach his friends - but they didn't Know it yet..." Alison Mitchell has cleverly retold Mark’s account of Jesus calming the storm, focusing readers on what Jesus had taught his own disciples - he does what only God can do. "The Storm That Stopped" is a great addition to every child's must-have list."
SANDY GALEA, MBM Children's Minister, Rooty Hill Anglican, Sydney
創意雜誌(Idea Magazine),2016年7月
"One of the most creative children's books we've seen."